It's been quite some time since I've written a blog. There have been lots of changes in my life, the world as I know it has changed. I lost my waitress job in the beginning of July, then at the end of September I lost my other job, that I've had for the past 12 years (minus 2 months).
The waitress job I lost because the restaurant closed down, we were given 2 weeks notice. It was sad and sucked, but it is what it is. Not much you can do when the owners decide to close.
At the beginning of August I started a new part time job right next door to my other office job. In fact, they are part of the same family. This was convenient, the same building, the same family, not so new and scary. The plan was to work this job until my other company merged and I would go to full time again.
The time came where my company was merging with a large frm out of Dallas. It all seemed like this was going to be great for the company, great for m boss and great for me. I was told for about a month that I would be getting an offer soon from the new company. I didn't get the offer until the week before, when my boss was there to finalize the merge. Their offe did not include a job description and it was lower than I was expecting. I asked my boss if the offer was negotiable, and he told me to speak with HR, which I did. I explained to HR the salary I was looking for and explained why. Mostly due to the fact that I hadn't received a raise in 5 years and he industry standard was higher than what they were offering.
The HR woman seemed to understand and she even stated that I cannot accept an offer like this without a job description. The offer expired the following day and she told me she would extend the time, send me a job description and talk to the executives about my request for a higher offer. I never heard back from her.
My boss returned fom his trip, I briefly talked to him about it and was told that there would be a conference call on Monday afternoon to determine what their new offer would be. The merge was happening the following day. My boss ad me put together an email announcement and do some other thigs to prepare for the merge. They came to me and told me they were dissolving our company and switching over to the new one. So they were going to pay me to date and pay me for my unused vacation time. Seemed like a good deal.
The call happened and I was called into my boss's office to discuss the outcome. Much to my surprise, I was fired right then and there. I was told that they decided to go a different route. I was devistated. My boss didn't seem to show any remorse whatsoever. His wife on my right was bawling here eyes out. I think for the nex hour she apologized to me 20 times and asked if there was anything she could do. In one of my not so better moments, I snapped back at her and told her, "yes, find me a new job". I went to my car to regain my composure and returned to the office to collect my belongings, the boxes were already sitting by my desk. These boxes were being used last week and when I asked about the contents the week before, I was told that we no longer needed the contents, which was bullshit, he needed to boxes to send me packing.
It's been a month since I lost that job. To this day I don't even know if I did something wrong or what to result in this. I was alwys taught to stand up for what I believe in, which is all I did. I asked to negotiate my offer and it seems as though I was fired for that. Had the told me their offer stands as is, I likely would have taken it because a full time job was better than a pat time job or no job. But they didn't do that. I am sill working part time at the family business next door. I was replaced a week later and I am still looking for full time employment. Right now I am bringing in a measly $200 a week and my husband has no income. I have about enough money to last another 3-4 weeks, which isn't long. My insurance expired yesterday too.
I'm sending out resumes, answering ads, doing all that I know I can do. I have had a few interviews, but no real job offers. I am staring to get scared..... really scared.
People tell me this all happened for a reason. That when one door closes another one opens. I hope this is true. I am not convinced of this yet since the new door hasn't opened and nothing better has happened to me. I feel like I keep sinking further and further into this crap hole situation. I can't even provide for my family and that makes me feel like a piece of shit. Stay positive they all say. I wish I could, but until I can support my family, there's going to be negetivity.
You don't know me, but I happened upon your blog and I just had to comment. I do believe that there is a divine plan and we can only have faith in God and ask for his help. Give your problems to him (I know...easier said than done!). I'll be praying for you and your precious family.