It's been 2 weeks already. I can't believe it. The surgery was a success! It was not easy, but we pulled through and Jesse was quite the trooper. Our day started early and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought Jesse would be more crabby than he was because he didn't get to eat all morning. The pacifier sure helped. I had gotten him up about 1:15am for his last feeding before surgery. We get to the hospital and we were one of the first. Children's surgical procedures take priority. We get Jesse changed into his little hospital gown and they take us back to the pre-surgical room where Dr. Donzelli met with us first. He's the ear doctor. He explained that he would put ear tubes in if he can. It depends on if Jesse's ear drums are big enough for the tubes. Then Dr. Semba and the anesthesiologist met with us. They explained things and told us Jesse is in good hands. A nurse came and took him away and off to the waiting room. After a short time in the waiting room Dr. Donzelli came out. He said that Jesse already had infections in both ears and he was able to put the ear tubes in without a problem. He gave us some ear drops to use 2 times a day.

Paul and I stepped out after that, we knew it would be a few hours until they called us back to see Jesse. We got back to the waiting room and played golf on Paul's gameboy to stay distracted. Then Dr. Semba came out. She took us in the consultation room and told us the surgery was a success and that one of us could go back and see him. I went back and he was not happy. He was also pretty beat up. It was hard seeing him like that. I picked him up and offerd him some bottle, he didn't want it. I didn't blame him. I sat with him for a bit, then they told me we could go to the recovery room where Paul could join us. I didn't want to put him back into the crib, so I continued to hold him and they took me in a wheelchair.

Paul met us in the new room and he held Jesse most of the time there. Paul fed him about 1 oz and the nurse took all the monitors off him and the IV out. Soon enough they gave us our directions and sent us on our way. That first night was pretty hard on all of us. They gave us Tylenol 3 (codine) and it seemed to help Jesse a lot. The way he cried made me feel so bad, but I had to keep telling myself that he will thank us later in life. This is for the best.

We didn't get to do much over the holiday weekend, but that's ok. There's always next year. We did manage to get out of the house and over to Paul's parents on the 4th. We had dinner over there and watched the Woodridge-Darien fireworks. Paul's Mom walked around with Jesse in the stroller.

We had our follow up appointment eith Dr. Semba on Friday, July 9th. She said he's healing great!
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